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Far From Perfect Marriage

Spirituality in Marriage

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Couples That Pray Together Have Greater Potential To Stay Together

Often times marriages begin with some sort of spiritual belief and practice that aids in facilitating marriage ceremonies such as getting married at a church by a pastor and taking vows. Those who typically take spirituality seriously use it as a protective factor in cementing their commitment to the marriage and each other which becomes parts of a greater aim at attempting to maintain a permanent relationship between the two individuals. Spiritually this makes for stable and lasting marriage relationships. Though, not all couples continue their relationship with spiritual guidance or practices. Though studies supports that couples with a spiritual core lower the risk of separation and divorce proofs their relationships (this is not to suggest that couples without a spiritual core will fail in marriage).

Those who share similar spiritual beliefs and practices have stronger relationships that are associated with higher marital satisfaction. Couples marriages are strengthen by spiritual principles like to express love, compassion, and forgiveness, which make it possible for couple to tolerate conflict and find resolve. Having meaningful spiritual beliefs can strengthen bonds between couples and also between members of their family unit.

Like many other married couples who maintain spiritual beliefs, I have experienced a great deal of difficulties at one point or another in marriage. I owe it to my spirituality that I’ve been able to remain committed to my vows and my husband as I am sure many others would attest to the same. Spirituality gives couples an opportunity to see the human existence within themselves and their partners making it possible to see past the flaws and work through the tough times together.

Simply put, couples reliance on spirituality help them to establish and maintain an intimate relationship together. Having a spiritual foundation can bring couples through hardship and/or enhance  closeness between them no matter how great or minimal the the difficulties experienced between them. So if you like to Activate your spiritual core or strengthen your spirituality and are ready to take small steps to grow spiritually then download your PDF below!

Begin the daily task necessary to grow spiritually sound.

Are you married or engaged join our Facebook Community for daily engagement HERE

PLEASE NOTE: This BLOG Is NOT  intended to take the place of any form of Professional Advice.  Seek  professional help to address your relationship needs. For any  crisis-related issues DIAL THE CRISIS HOTLINE @ 1-800-273-TALK (8255) OR  TEXT TO 741741.
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4 things “TO DO” before saying “I DO”

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I was always interested in marriage and envisioned myself being a wife. Though looking back, around the time that I started dating my now-husband, I was not ready to get into a serious relationship nor was I in the right frame of mind mentally to even consider one. I was a broken young lady trying to piece my life together.

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Creating Lasting Memories with Your Family

It’s important to make time for coupling, just you and your spouse.

It’s also important to make time for you to be selfish.

In marriage the time that’s just as important as the aforementioned is QUALITY TIME WITH FAMILY. This is the unit as one whole. Family Values, the lasting memories you create with the family you have.

Marriage isn’t just about the two becoming one when you add a child or children to the mix, no it becomes about merging all parts into the coming of one whole. After all it is historically known that family originated from marriage so it make sense that the family is nurtured in that marriage in order to blossom.

Sure life can get hectic and time may seem to fly in a day but it’s important to connect as a whole even for a small time on a daily bases.. yes even if it means 10m per day! Make room for each other and create space for those minutes to multiple, building lasting memories with the family  as a whole with all parts present.

There are no limits in terms of the things you can do with your family.. there are too many things to do and so many ways to do them, literally a laundry list! Most times it doesn’t even cost a dime and nor does it have to require much effort (depending on the activity). Something as simple as sharing stories, talking about your days, discussions around new discoveries learned from one another and/or sharing future goals you each have are some ways to name a few.

Did you know there are a number of benefits due to spending family time together?

Not only does family time benefits and add to the satisfaction in marriage but also boost the quality of each relationship within the group (mother/child[ren] father/child[ren], mother/father, siblings).

It can boost the overall mental health of the group.

It can increase and enhance communication.

It boost self-esteem for the child/children.

It encourages healthy relationships with others outside the group etc…

and this is only a short list of benefits but there are a lot more!

If you’re having a hard time creating the space and finding simple ways to spend family time no worries, we’ve got you covered. Let’s take it back to basics, eating together at the table, watch a family show that everyone agree on, taking a long drive in town, going for a walk around the neighborhood,  trying something simple and new together (DYI home project) are all ways to get the ball rolling.

If you prefer to begin with our prefilled daily task, get your INSTANT DOWNLOAD BELOW!

Are you married or engaged join our Facebook Community for daily engagement HERE

PLEASE NOTE: NONE of the BLOGS on this site are intended to take the place of any form of Professional Advice/Services.  Seek professional help to address your relationship needs. For any  crisis-related issues DIAL THE CRISIS HOTLINE @ 1-800-273-TALK (8255) OR  TEXT TO 741741.
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Boost Your Mental Health & Wellness

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Did you know that being married can boost your mental health and well-being? Sure it can!  You will find research that supports this idea greatly.

Those who marry actually experience better health in general both physically and emotionally. I think I know why that is. For starters, those who marry find that they are much happier with life, it’s easy to figure out why that might be… Married couples feel more fulfilled in that they believe they’ve found purpose and life meaning. There’s a boost of self-worth and a sense of confidence that can emerge from becoming married. All of which influence mental wellness.

Speaking of MENTAL HEALTH, what is it anyway?  Mental health is Your emotional,  social, and psychological well-being influenced by internal and external factors. It has an impact on the way we think,  feel, and behave. Mental health can cause both positive and negative outcomes. It determines the way we respond to stressors, relate to people, places, and things.  Also influencing the way people go about making decisions. The development of mental health begin at birth and continues throughout the duration of life. Any and everything can have an impact on mental health in the same way mental health can have an impact on any and everything.

How do you boost mental health and reap it’s benefits? Getting married is one way! People who marry find that life is less stressful. The partnership lessen the burden of taking on life alone. Married couples tend to take care of each one another through this dance of healthy balance of give and take, for the most part.  

This is NOT AT ALL to say that if you marry all of your mental health problems will go away nor is it to say that as a function of being married you will never experience mental health issues. Actually, it is very possible to be at risks or to develop mental health problems at any point in marriage for a number of reasons. While there are plenty benefits in marriage, consider these few:

Better overall health

Joy and happiness

Self confidence

Fulfillment of life’s purpose

Satisfying sex life

Social support

Longer life span

Decrease in health concerns

More health conscious ect…

Individuals in marriage should really be aware of their own mental health risks and immediately address them before they become pain points in the marriage. Unresolved mental problems can be detrimental to any relationship. It’s important to seek guidance from qualified professionals to address any and all mental issues that may arise to overcome these challenges.

So while there are many benefits for mental health in marriage, this does not mean that the individuals in the marriage relationship neglect their responsibility to take care of their own mental health nor does this mean that your mental health is no longer your primary and top priority. Part of benefiting mentally from marriage is making an effort to boost your mental well-being on your own outside of the support you find from one another.

You can begin with the daily mental task booster we’ve created, get your INSTANT DOWNLOAD BELOW!

Are you married or engaged join our Facebook Community for daily engagement HERE

PLEASE NOTE: This BLOG Is NOT  intended to take the place of any form of Professional Advice.  Seek  professional help to address your relationship needs. For any  crisis-related issues DIAL THE CRISIS HOTLINE @ 1-800-273-TALK (8255) OR  TEXT TO 741741.
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Valentine’s Day to the Rescue!

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It is very possible to forget one another during the marriage and the outcome can be devastating. Comfortability, responsibility, and even irritability can play roles in the push couples experience that draw them apart. Valentine’s (V-day) can be a time to remember the marriage and each other.
You know when TLC (tender love and care) is missing from your marriage. If your spouse has communicated that he/she feels alone, sad, dissatisfied, unloved, disconnected, undesired, unwanted, ignored, invisible, etc it can be an indicator that your marriage is in trouble and Valentine’s Day can used to rescue the relationship!

If your spouse complaints are anything like the following;

“you’re always spending time with…, you don’t make time for me anymore…, I miss spending time together…, you are going out without me again…, I feel like you don’t love me anymore… I keep begging you to spend time with me…, you have been working so much lately and it leaves not time for us… when was the last time we spent time together…”

Valentine’s Day is the perfect tool to use to rescue your marriage, here’s why.

Of course, Valentine’s Day (V-day) is defined in many different ways depending on who you are speaking to. In marriage, some individuals view it as “just another day”, it is not acknowledged at all. This day for these group of people is nothing new nor special. You have some who view it as a time to show their significant others’ love by showing each other with gifts and surprises just because it is the norm. Then you have others who view V-day as a way for the government to profit and make money, so they simply ignore the day altogether.

Now there are couples in a marriage where either the wife, the husband or in some cases both parties come to a point in the marriage where they simply feel unhappy. They cannot remember the last time they felt catered to or treated to something special. Some cannot even recall the last time they heard the words “I love you” or they’ve gotten a warm lasting hug or a kiss. What about the couples that come a home day in and day out, passing one another by, not having a clue as to what the other has going on. They live almost as roommates, spending quality time together would sound like a foreign language to them because it has been just that long. What exactly is happening here?…

Many times what this means is that couples have gotten so comfortable in the marriage they don’t believe that it is necessary to continue putting effort into spending time together. Other times there are so many different responsibilities the two are managing like children, work, school, family members, etc they get so caught up and the marriage gets put aside and becomes an afterthought if it is a thought at all. Then you have conflicts that couples don’t manage well or the conflicts snowball into catastrophic occurrences that the couple begins to resent each other experiencing constant irritability with one another. This is a sure way to lose the effects or love and detach from each other. It becomes difficult to desire to spend time together. Instead of becoming more irritated it becomes easier to stay away and avoid one another. Other possibilities can be that couples don’t know how to resolve the issue in a healthy manner and/or they don’t know where to turn to for help (for some many reasons, that’s another topic).

For these couples, V-day can mean a much-needed RESCUE!!! The way this works is that someone will be talking about V-day, stands will be posted to venders who are selling V-day goodies, or it will be advertised on the television screen. Some way somehow you will know that it is V-day and automatically your brain will have you think about it and it’s significance to you and you will also be reminded of someone you love. At that moment the hope is that you realize your marriage has been neglected, your spouse feels ignored, and something needs to be done about it. At that point, you can choose to remember your marriage and do something that will say to your marriage I have taken notice that my marriage has diminished by my absence and I am taking action to reboot the love that has been missing. You can choose to do anything at that time.

If you need help here are some starting pointers below.

  • A time to remember each other by sending a love text or making a phone call
  • A time to surprise the other with breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a picnic
  • A time to make time for each other
  • A time to do something thoughtful or special
  • A time to get back to the basic
  • A time to go on a date just the two of you
  • A time to spend with each other
  • A time to do something you two enjoy but have not engaged in a while
  • A time to talk about light and silly things
  • A time to make love
  • A time to give a gentle tap on the butt or gesture that says “I remember you”
  • A time to turn off all other distraction and turn to the marriage
  • A time to hit the reset button
  • A time to hold each other
  • A time to take a trip into one another world
  • A time to ask questions like “how are you today”
  • A time to gaze into each others eye
  • A time to spend a little money or not but your effort says “I was thinking of you today”
  • A time to make the necessary time allocated just for two
  • A time simple to remember that your marriage and your spouse need your attention enough times in a day that says “YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN”

Valentine’s Day to the Rescue! Is your marriage depending on it? On this V-day, I hope you choose to rescue your marriage from the neglect that it has suffered so that it can be revived and satisfied!

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8 Keep’s in Marriage

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When times get tough in my marriage it becomes really difficult to see or think clearly about the relationship. As I grew in my marriage I learned more and more that marriage is about daily reminders to do my part in making efforts to the growth I desire to see in my relationship. Of course, this lesson did not come easy nor did it occur overnight but it was necessary for the success of my marriage. As I reflect back on the things that helped to overcome difficulties the most I thoughts about the things I had to remind myself to KEEP ON DOING!

Keep forgiving

One of the hardest things I had to learn to do in my marriage was learning how to be TRULY forgiving! What made this so difficult for me was working true the hurt, the betrayal, the disappointment, and the anger I felt after enduring conflict in my marriage. The worst part of experiencing offenses with my partner was working through things just for it to happen again and again. This only made forgiveness hard to accomplish. The secret for me was bringing myself to see my spouse as a human being who was struggling but also making efforts to remain committed and consistent. Also, I had to acknowledge that I myself was human, I too made mistakes that he was more than willing to forgive me about. I had to learn how to practice true forgiveness, which didn’t require that I forget what happened but I let it go and move on, past the offenses charging forward into a brand-new day. This meant a new mindset and an opportunity for both him and me to do better.

Keep opening

I believed that my growing to become more open-minded increased the wellness of my marriage. I was a bit rigid in the beginning. If I am really honest there were times I might have been the “my way or no way” type of wife. You might see how counterproductive that was right. Marriage requires flexibility, trying out new ways, new ideas, and going about things in unusual ways if you have too. All of which are ways to exercise being open. If I kept a closed-minded approach there is no way my marriage would have made it this far. Keep opening up to each other in your hearts and your mind. Go further with opening up in the bedroom, about children, the future, etc. I found the more open we were about things to each other the more it seemed to help the marriage enhance. To keep open may not mean or look the same for you as it does for me but it is worth trying it out in your own way to see.

Keep loving

Love is everything! When I think of love I think of my God who loves me through my good, my bad, and all of what I am made up of in-between. My God is not picky about what time of day to love me but the love my God has for me is never-ending and very much consistent. This does not mean he doesn’t get to be upset at me for my mess-ups but he is willing and open to constantly look past my imperfections and he allows my mistakes to be part of the growth story in our relationship. In this same way that I conceptualize God’s love for me, I choose this same approach toward my husband and I apply it to my marriage. I am careful to remind myself of this during the lowest points of the marriage. I remember not to keep scores of the wrong but I am making notes and paying careful attention to all the things he is doing right and the things that are going right in the marriage.

Keep honesty

One thing that builds trust and security for me is honesty. This is never a one-way situation, I hold my own self to the same standards as I do my husband. So, in the same way, I required his honesty, I too am honest to him. I was told before I was too honest with my husband but for me, I could never be too honest. This does not mean it was always easy. I had to learn how to communicate honestly without coming off too strong or too harsh. Part of this was also me learning how to respond to him in his honesty, so as not to take things personally, not to catastrophize, and not to overgeneralized that I missed the point of his sharing. I learned the hard way that this would discourage him to open up to me. In a nutshell, you will not always like what you hear but appreciate the honestly and find the meaning behind the message. Honestly is healthy in marriage and it will set you free!

Keep vulnerability

To break out of my safe place with anyone is a huge to-do, as a result in the past I often time avoided this at all cost but this was especially one of the biggest fear-provoking things to do in marriage. In the past I had to test my husband with small sharings about my life to evaluate if he’d be trustworthy enough for me to be more and more vulnerable, he would pass, however, whenever I felt betrayed I would build my walls back up sealing them tighter than before and it did not take long before I closed him out completely. This did nothing to help the marriage but it sure made the marriage that much easier to destruct. This made it even harder to see myself trusting my husband enough to share parts of me I already thought made me weak, parts of me that I considered areas of higher sensitivity or parts of me I was afraid to act out in fear it would make him think/look at me differently/funny. After countless failing at attempting to avoid being vulnerable to share insecurities related to my core issues, it became clear to me that without me being vulnerable to share, “husband when you do this/that it makes me feel… scared, unworthy, abandoned” or “because I’ve XYZ I…“etc it kept my mind and heart cluttered. It kept my husband from experience a part of me that was delicate but yet so special, in turn, it keeps him from trusting me to be vulnerable too so I was missing out on all his goodness as well.

Keep learning

No matter how much I thought I’ve learned through watching other married couples, from sermons I heard preached on marriage, from out dating, from “how-to” books I read, or the marriage counseling we engaged in… I found that it was not until I actually became married did I fully begin to learn about marriage “MY MARRIAGE” and I continue to learn the more were grow in our marriage. Despite all marriages being unique in that no two are created equal, I encourage any married couple to keep learning about yourself as an individual, each other as a couple, and the marriage as a whole. Be open to learning from others, get with other married couples thoughts who have recently married and those who have years past your age in marriage, also get into individual and couples counseling to learn more about marriage. To learn is to grow and to grow is to do better in your marriage to promote healthy marital maintenance.

Keep choosing

Marriage is a daily choice! Once you are married you do not get to pick and choose what time of day you want to be an active participant in the marriage relationship. When I wake up in the mornings especially mornings after an argument or conflict of differences I know I have to remind myself that I made a vow to stick to my commitments to this marriage relationship with that stated I quickly remember my vows “through good and bad, through ups and downs”. I choose my marriage, which means I choose my partner, which means the more I practice to choose him and the marriage the easier it gets and the less effort it requires to remain committed to these things.

Keep supporting

Marriage is a partnership, a friendship, a relationship that requires much-needed support from one to the other. Support can look different for everyone and can be considered on a case by case bases. The way I manage my support to my husband is by asking him directly how he would like me to be of support to him. When it comes to me I communicate with him directly about how I would like for him to be of support to me. I will admit this can get sticky at times when my expectations and anticipation are not met or satisfied. This might gets in the way and in those moments I hope to see my fault but this isn’t always the case. Always be mindful of the ways you are or are not supporting each other, pay attention to opportunities you have to be a support and learn from those opportunities missed to support, learn from it and practice support every chance you get.

Understaing that some days might be harder than others to keep on keeping these 8 keep’s, I encourage you to exhaust all the avenues you can to do so. Effective communication is key! It can be verbal, non-verbal, or behavioral. My hope for you, your partner, and your marriage is that you find the opportunity to grow to appreciate yourself, your marriage, and your partner a little bit more than you did the day before!

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Far From Perfect Marriage!

I have often wondered about what makes a perfect marriage. Until I found that there is no such thing as a “perfect marriage”.

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